The FeynArts Visitor Center

FeynArts is a Mathematica package for the generation and visualization of Feynman diagrams and amplitudes. Its main features are:

FeynArts has been published in Comput. Phys. Commun. 140 (2001) 418 [hep-ph/0012260].
The reference for the old version 1 is Comput. Phys. Commun. 60 (1990) 165.

The MSSM model files are documented in Comput. Phys. Commun. 143 (2002) 54 [hep-ph/0105349] and Comput. Phys. Commun. 185 (2014) 1529 [arXiv:1309.1692] (including counter-terms).

The historical development: FeynArts started out in 1990 as a Macsyma code written by Hagen Eck and Sepp Küblbeck which could produce diagrams in the Standard Model, but soon got ported to the Mathematica platform. In 1995, Eck and Küblbeck designed the second version to be a fully general diagram generator. They implemented some decisive new ideas, the most important one being the generation of diagrams in three levels. The program was taken up again in 1998 by Thomas Hahn who developed version 2.2. The well-designed conceptual framework was kept, but the actual code was reprogrammed almost entirely to make it more efficient and a user-friendly topology editor was added. The current version 3 features a completely new rendering engine for PostScript and LaTeX, together with full support of the Mathematica Frontend's graphical capabilities. It is also no longer dependent on the X platform for topology editing like version 2.2.

More information:

The installation script gets you started quickly and easily.
Downloads (hover over download link for MD5):


To install FeynArts, simply unpack the archive FeynArts-n.m.tar.gz.
More detailed instructions are given in the manual contained in the FeynArts distribution.
You can obtain the manual of the current version here.

Hint: add the following statement to your personal Mathematica init.m file (on Linux e.g. $HOME/.Mathematica/Kernel/init.m, on MacOS $HOME/Library/Mathematica/Kernel/init.m) to make Mathematica Kernels ≥ 6.0 display graphics again – choose your favorite PDF viewer instead of evince:

If[ !TrueQ[$Notebooks],
  gvexec = (Export[##2]; Run["(" <> #1 <> " " <> #2 <> "; rm " <> #2 <> ")&"]; #3)&;
  gvfmt[FeynArts`FeynArtsGraphics[_][__]] = gvexec["gv", #1 <> ".ps", #2, "PS"]&;
  _gvfmt = gvexec["evince", #1 <> ".pdf", #2, "PDF"]&;
  gv = gvfmt[#1]["/tmp/gv" <> ToString[Hash[#1]], #1]&;
  $DisplayFunction = gv

FeynEdit is an editor for Feynman diagrams. It is quite similar to the FeynArts topology editor and also uses FeynArts' LaTeX format for the diagrams. The program is independent of FeynArts, however, i.e. one does not need to start from diagrams generated by FeynArts.

The program is written in Java and should thus run on almost any platform. The Java bytecode is contained in the file FeynEdit.jar. Users with access to a reasonable (Unixish) programming environment may want to run "make" after unpacking the tar file, which produces an executable FeynEdit that can be invoked directly (e.g. from the command line). Alternately, start the program with "java -jar FeynEdit.jar".

A number of (mostly Debian-derived) Linux distributions seem to have gij (GNU's Java interpreter) installed instead of the original Oracle JRE. This may lead to error messages like "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute" when invoking FeynEdit. The problems originate from gij rather than FeynEdit. The solution is to install Oracle's original JRE, available from

Windows users should be able to start the program by double-clicking on the jar file. The Java Runtime Environment can be obtained from if not installed already.

FeynEdit has been published in Comput. Phys. Commun. 179 (2008) 931 [arXiv:0711.1345].

You can download the following files:

Thanks for looking in.

Please send bug reports, suggestions, fan mail, etc. to Thomas Hahn,

Related links: FormCalc, FeynCalc, LoopTools.

This site and the programs offered here are not commercial. FeynArts is and will stay an open-source package and free of charge.
If you want to use FeynArts in a commercial application, make sure you understand the GNU Lesser General Public License under which FeynArts is distributed.
FeynArts is being developed at the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich.

Data protection statement and Imprint

Last update: 15 Oct 24 Thomas Hahn